I want to object
If you wish to voice your opinion you will find the following info of huge value.
this link will take you to Environmental Justice, where you can use their CELS objection kit for objecting to planning
FYI: The State Government’s 10/30 vegetation clearance exemptions do not apply in Maroondah. No land owner is permitted to remove a viable tree without a Maroondah Council Permit!
You will need to know the reference number which will be eg. M/2018/65 the last number given by council, identifies the application. A visit to Council on line search for Current Planning Applications then enter the formatted number M/ 2024/%# to view the proposal.
The”building envelope” this is the square meter-age space allowed for the entire site coverage of the proposal. Footprint, is more detailed and shows where the building envelope is to be sited.
New houses can be made to position exterior walls that take into account a Canopy tree. A canopy trees is one with a girth circumference greater that 500cms measured 1 meter above the ground or the tree is taller than 5 meters. it is irrelevant whether it is a native or ornamental or exotic tree, with the exception of some weed species which are documented here.
Most of Maroondah is covered by one of two planning controls, known as SLO or VPO, both are about retaining trees. The SLO is significant landscape overlay and in general refers to the geographical feature of the Wicklow ridgeline which transverses Maroondah, from Wombolano park at Heathmont, through Croydon South at the top of Eastfield Rd across to behind the Monastery as the Monastery ridge, and across Maroondah highway at the top of Birts Hill, intersection of Yarra Rd down to Plymouth Rd, with Richardsons Rd being at the highest elevation. This ridgeline is visible as a treed feature from Mt Dandenong lookout. A second ridgeline is across Wyreena area parallel to Dorset Rd.
A VPO is a Vegetation Protection Overlay which is designed to protect habitat, so it may mean a permit is required to remove a native tree, even if it is dead, as it may develop nesting hollows or other suitable nesting or roosting potential. The land in question may have both a VPO and a SLO. Maroondah Council does it’s best within planning law to keep our area covered by Canopy trees.
To begin with write something to your elected Councillors, their email addresses are on Councils webpage under “contact us” Make it clear why you are unhappy, but never mention that you think it will be detrimental to the value of your property, that is subjective and emotive. Be clear to use Councils own policies to quote, such as the preferred character of your neighbourhood, look for Neighbourhood character study, You will need to determine your specific Neighbourhood arrea. There are 23 separate regions within Maroondah, the objective of keeping character is referred to as preferred character. Definitely mention Canopy tree protection.