Our wonderful big tree is available to Schools to borrow. You can book a delivery and set up by contacting us through our CCS FB page or email president(at)croydonconservation.org.au
Items must be applied using blutack or similar, or you may also hang items using string. Book a date for set up and for packdown at the end of your project. Sandbag MUST be used for stability. CCS OHS insurance requirement. Once it is insitu, your organisation is responsible for using it safely
every student at this school made something for the display, from Cicadas flying in top right, to beetles, to ants, possums and a wide variety of birds, using the bird templates. This takes 3 people about 1 to 2 hours to decorate with this many pieces.Only junior students from Ruskin park took part, grade prep made dragonflies from toilet rolls with cellophane wings, grade one made beetles and grade two’s went more freerange using leaf shapes decorated with zentangles, which are a structured pattern done in tiles. On top of this are template pieces from Croydon Community School studentsThe Mullum Mullum Indigenous group gathering place members took on the project using real dried eucalyptus leaves, painted with Aboriginal pattern style art. THey also chose to use a few of the templates. Greater colour was achieved by using coloured cellophane in the open spaces to let it be backlit by the window. A silver moon topped it off.
About the Croydon Conservation Society
Croydon Conservation Society is a non profit community volunteer group, who since 1964 have been actively “conserving” the best of our local environment for us all to share, as well as planting native species in many locations to keep us and our local native inhabitants alive and flourishing!