24 Hr Wildlife help

Found an injured wild animal or bird?

Members of the public can report incidents of sick, injured, or orphaned native animals found anywhere across the state to Wildlife Victoria’s 24/7 wildlife Emergency Response Service on (03) 8400 7300 or by filling out the online reporting form.

If you find an injured animal please secure it in a warm dark safe box and call for expert assistance, do not attempt to feed a sick or injured animal, you may make the situation worse. In outer Melbourne, if you see a dead wombat or kangaroo with an X sprayed on the carcase, it means a wildlife rescuer has checked the pouch for living babies, and removed them already.

RSPCA in Burwood is open Monday to Sunday 8 am to 6 pm…call 9224 2222

RSPCA does have an animal ambulance for transport, this runs 24 hrs a day 7 days a week, and is sponsored by donations.