Litter ? bottles & cans. EPA

Update, this page below was published in 2007. Here we are in 2019 discussing how best to remove waste from our environment. When are we actually going to take ACTION?

This material is NOT waste it can be re-used and therefore has economic worth.

Litter? Contact EPA… 1300 EPA VIC       or 1300 372 842   CDL Fact Sheet

not waste….recyclable resource

CDL – container deposit legislation is under discussion amongst the State governments

with the hope of agreement and the introduction of a National Scheme.

To support getting a refund on bottles, cans via  Boomerang Alliance use the online letter

Contact the Federal minister for the Environment Melissa Price

Or the Victorian Minister  Lily D’Ambrosio http://lily.d’[email protected]to  find information on the state of the Yarra and of the Bay at any given time look here

Water quality for swimming

Litter, in particular beverage containers, like cans and plastic bottles accounts for a significant portion of material that pollutes and spoils our environment.


Pacific Ocean garbage dump click on this link to see the effects of our way of life

It is particularly bad that this material is made from non renewable material, aluminium and plastic ( a crude oil derivative)  As we become better educated about living sustainably on mother Earth, we need to find solutions to the damage and wasteful ways that us humans have been practicing.

In South Australia, where these containers have an economic value (as they do in fact) and it is recognised through returnable refund, the incidence of roadside litter for example is dramatically reduced.

Peter Cook, a local hills resident, has been campaigning for a return of bottle and can refunds in Victoria. His website AFROCAB ( Australians for return of cans and bottles) details the problems and solutions, while exploring the myths that are often trotted out as answers as to why we can’t go “back to the future”.

Croydon Conservation Society has signed up (October 2007) to the list of community groups that support Peters proposal. It was not OK for us to be told that our local Councils have an agreement with the recyclers and it would detract from their “business” . It’s Karma, that now Councils don’t know how best to dispose of this material now.

What this really means is that WE pay for the waste through rates! When ethically the responsibility should rest with the manufacturer, to retrieve and refund for the material, so recklessly consumed and often trashed to roadsides, train line verges, drains and landfill.