News, Croydon South land for development
PROPOSAL FOR 72–84 BELMONT ROAD WEST, CROYDON SOUTH The site is owned by Department of Education (DE) which has determined the site surplus to their operational requirements. The Land and Property Group of the Department of Transport and Planning(L&P) on behalf of DE has requested to have appropriate planning provisions put in place to enable itto be sold and allow for the redevelopment of the land, as part of planning scheme amendmentC146maro to the Maroondah Planning Scheme.The Minister for Planning referred the proposal to the Government Land Standing Advisory Committee(Advisory Committee) to consider and make recommendations on the proposed changes to the planningprovisions on the site. The proposed changes are to:– Rezone the northern portion of the land (DE land) from Public Use Zone 2 ‘Education’ (PUZ2)to Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 3 (NRZ3), and a apply the Environmental AuditOverlay.– Rezone the southern portion of the land (council land) from part PUZ2, part NRZ3 and partPublic Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) to Public Use Zone 6 ‘Local Government’ (PUZ6).– Amend the Schedule to Clause 53.01 to confirm that the amount of contribution for publicopen space for the 72–84 Belmont Road West, Croydon South is 0 percent.– Apply an Environmental Audit Overlay.An information pack has been prepared that provides details on the site, the proposed planning schemechanges, details on the submission process and timeframes. You are invited to review this material, freeof charge, online at Further information about the proposal is detailed in theattached information sheet.If you would like to make a submission on these proposals for consideration by the Advisory Committee,please submit your views online at All submissions must be received by 31May 2023.There will also be an opportunity to present your views to the Advisory Committee. at a public hearing.Further information about the public hearing, including whether it will be held in person or conductedonline, will be published at once arrangements have been finalised. If youwould like to make a presentation at the public hearing, you must make a written submission andcomplete the relevant section of the online form.A virtual information session will be held on 16 May 2023 at 6.30pm. A link to the session will bepublished at A directions hearing will be held in the week of 26 June 2023before the public hearing commences in the week of 24 July 2023
Where can I get more information?
The following documents can be viewed online at
April 23, 2023
Liz Sanzaro ·
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