Tree Removal & Habitat corridors

Also you should be aware of illegal tree removal. Be very vigilant of “gung-ho” developers who accidentally bulldoze trees early on Saturday mornings, when Council is shut. Find more detailed information on the Maroondah site – Tree Removal

The emergency number for the ranger, who will attend urgently out of hours is 1300 88 22 33

Sub division

If you want to know whether the site is undergoing a subdivision, or what the regulations are follow this link – Planning and Building – Planning – Subdividing Land

Habitat corridors

These are pathways across Maroondah that allow fauna, like birds, possums and even koalas to survive in the midst of what is essentially and urban environment. And obviously it is why CCS values our tree canopy so highly and fights constantly to retain what exists and to provide new growth. Follow this link Planning and Building – Planning – Habitat Corridors Study