Maroondah’s Birds
Maroondah has prolific bird life. We have the trees and clean environment that makes for excellent habitat. Many people think a dead tree should be removed, but if it is structurally sound, the larger limbs and trunk provide habitat for birds, small marsupials and insects.
Dense prickly bushes are habitat for tiny birds like Finches, Wrens and Eastern spine bills (tiny nectar eaters) with a high pitched note and a sharp curved long beak.
The most common birds of Maroondah can be heard (sound files) on the following site Back yard birds More information regarding bird life including hidden camera video of a Powerful Owl nesting with chicks, can be found on the following site
an incomplete list is…
Powerful Owls
Nightjars..Tawny frogmouth
Butcher birds
Grey Currawongs over winter
Black Currawongs over winter
Indian Mynahs
Noisy Mynahs
Crimson Rosella
Eastern Rosella
Rainbow Lorakeets
Sulphur crested Cockatoos
Yellow tailed Black Cockatoos
Corella – near Croydon Library in particular
Gang Gangs occasionally
Masked Plovers – on open grassland usually a football field or such
Wood Ducks
Wattle birds
Black birds
Silver eyes – tiny birds
Eastern Spine-bills
Easter Whip bird
Blue wrens
Willy wagtails
Bell birds
Grey Fantails
Rufus fantails