CCS is looking for volunteers

Not for planting, but office work, scanning 60 years worth of interesting documents like this one from 1988. The Ringwood Historic Society has kindly supplied us with 6 archive boxes now stored ready for digitising.

The work space is in Norwood Park, just up from Eastland, it is cosy, has congenial co-workers and training in how to scan and save. We would appreciate any help you are able to provide, to get this started. Here is just one interesting snippet from 1988, from a local paper. Will future residents ever know what Wicklow Avenue looked like before the LXRP destroyed almost all of it ? Call Liz, phone number available when you click on join us Membership, or email president(at)

September 11, 2023 · Liz Sanzaro · No Comments
Posted in: Latest News

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