is your backyard fit for vegies?
The EPA have recently launched a new website specifically related to Asbestos in homes. Click here to access
Past agricultural and industrial/commercial uses of land and accidental spills, may leave land contaminated.
CCS have had a few requests from people wanting information regarding the suitability of their land for growing food. CCS has put together some relevant data for your information.
Sources of this information are…
- A History of Croydon 2nd edition by Muriel McGivern
- the memories of some of our early Croydon residents
- as well as the information logged by the EPA, of Victoria.
The following links are, to the written information with legend to the map and the map of Maroondah. Specific landmarks of sites of relevance are on the map as well as the general areas marked out for land use by early settlers.
Maroondah’s 3 main waterways are also indicated with information about their source and health.
Previously unknown sites containing Arsenic, are most likely caused by the prior use of Copper Chromium Arsenate treated pine. For more details on this check info under Treated Pine on this website. You will need to open both below, we recommend printing the info sheet, then access the map to apply the information.
Land contamination information Maroondah map land use history
Should you want to do soil testing of your own soil, costs are approx $130 for pesticides in general and $50 for specific chemicals like arsenic & copper.