2020-2021 AGM

our AGM was held last evening, with an invitation to Maroondah new Councillor Suzanne Stojanovic. All positions were resumed after the spill, by the encumbents. The Treasurers report is to be found in the Members area.

Other items of note are that if members are paying using PayPal, it is best NOT to tick the automatice renewall, if an additional donation is being made, as this will be the $ amount taken from your account in the folllowing year.

Fox Scan is an app you can download to your phone, which helps track where feral animals are in abundance. This is provided by the Dep of Agriculture, Water and Environment. It is possible for Maroondah Council to set up a private group for local monitoring.

In 2021 the City Nature Challenge runs from Friday 30th April to Monday 3rd May. I-naturalist is the app to use, and is used world wide, to document what species we have, birds, insects, fungus, rare plants etc. This year MC Council is combining with Boroondara, Greater Dandenong, Knox, Manningham, Monash, Stonnington and Whitehorse to be a super group named Melbourne Outer East. Everyone is invited to participate and encouraged to take pics, even if you don’t know what the species is, there are specialists who will identify them for you.

2021 AGM Presidents Report in a separate post

April 16, 2021 · Liz Sanzaro · No Comments
Posted in: General

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